Royston Ramble

The day started overcast and damp, my geocaching partner and I decided to head down the A10 to Royston to complete the Royston Ramble. We parked fairly close to the start of this series and did a sneaky couple of extras to start the day off.

The first was called Rat a Tat Tat for obvious reasons. 🐀  The next cache was entitled Hanging Around and was a spooky Skeleton hidden behind some tress. This cache definitely appealing to my gothic side.

 After these two beauties, we commenced the ramble proper!

The lane was really muddy after the recent wet weather and in places it was really hard work, (at one point we even saw a 4×4 skidding in the mud, after several attemps it gave up and drove over the farmers field to turn around and head back the way it had come!). 

The first cache was hidden in the ground, the next, more interestingly, was a cash box sealed with a padlock with a combination lock, helpfully two double sided laminate papers were provided full of numbers, after logically reading out and trying them all we hit upon the solution, (I left a travelbug inside) however the real fun began when we tried to seal the box back up – not an easy task at all!   The next cache was hidden in the top of a post and was nothing interesting to write home about but the next was a lovely bird in a tree.    

  Next came a bird box, then a spider, a simple bison tube type thing and a coat hanger!

  Following these,  came a frog and a log! 

All in all an interesting series of caches and well worth getting muddy for!


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